mardi 21 avril 2009

"Vile woman and her blasted pheromones."


I entered in my bro's bedroom this morning and WHAT THE FUCK I SAW ??!!

THIS !! -> I've totally forgotten them !

I-I will ask my bro if I can have them, be-because... Vegetaaa !

And I will asked for his big poster with all the characters of the DBZ series too, fufu.

I want to watch all the episodes again, but in VO with French subtitles. But it's hard to find them ! >_< I'm downloading the 20 first episodes, but I don't know if I will be able to find the rest. :/

Oh and there are the DragonBall Kai episodes too !! ♥♥ But there are only 3 episodes with sub online. ;_; (Knowing there are 291 episodes of DBZ, and 64 of DBGT... ARG ! We'll have to waiiiiiit ! )


holol well there are the fics anyway !

Ok I'm a f*cking fangirl, SO WHAT !!??

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